Tax area
- Tax Credit from Research and Development
- Tax Check Up
- Corporate Transformations
European Fund on Research and Development (F24 Employees + Directors) for the years 2015/2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 Research & Development is an intangible value that can be entered in the Company’s financial statements, that is, it is the Company’s cultural knowledge. The Frascati Manual allows us to determine what Research & Development is, which can be entered in the budget, by responding to its five fundamental requirements. With a scientific mathematical protocol, we objectively measure the Research & Development carried out, in compliance with the rules indicated in the Frascati Manual. No advance costs. We use the Research and Development Projects carried out by the Company to obtain the related Tax Credit, deriving from Legislative Decree 145 of 2013, with which we can offset taxes, fees and contributions.
FISCAL CHECK UP:Individuals and Companies (INPS Contribution Control, Revenue Agency and Revenue Collection), DURC application procedure
CORPORATE TRANSFORMATIONS:The best tax framework for your company to have the lowest tax rate allowed.
(European Union flag) European Calls
(and not National and International) with a grant The alternative to bank debt to obtain liquidity. The European Union subsidizes the Projects with Lost Funds and Loans at subsidized rates, the consultancy is included in the total of the call. The Main
Calls support:- Opening of new businesses,
- Business investments,
- Digital Transformations of SMEs,
- Youth Funds under 35 / Female Enterprises,
- Renovation of commercial premises,
- Innovative StartUps Our team will find the best calls to fund your project.

Banking Area
- Banking Settlements
- Balance and Excerpt of Mortgages and Loans
- Fair Compensation and
Compensation for Guarantees issued with Bank Guarantees Our Partners evaluate the presence of defects or inconsistencies that with the banking levers lead to a convenient and fair conciliation for the account holder.
Fiscal area
Management of Debt Positions Revenue Agency and Revenue Agency Collection
- Trust Consultancy / Asset Protection
- Tax Settlement in the Creditor Agreement
To manage the position with the Revenue Collection Agency (Ex-Equitalia), opposition to Payment Notice, Executive Deeds such as Administrative Stops, Mortgages on real estate and land, Foreclosures on current accounts, salaries, pensions and third parties. For all Taxpayers who have lapsed from the installment plans, Facilitated Definition: Scrapping, Balance and Extract.
Management of the position with the Revenue Agency, for those who have received debit notices and / or assessment or checks by the Guardia di Finanza.
Asset protection with the Trust to ensure the generational handover of the family and corporate assets, taking care of the interests of the assets to ensure its maintenance and increase.
Management of corporate debts through the tax settlement and the arrangement with creditors to avoid bankruptcy; the way to mediate between all creditors, including Social Security Bodies and Fiscal and / or Tax Debts.

Accompaniment to companies
- Formation
- Business Start Up
- Business Crisis Module
- Strategic Analysis
Entrepreneurial 5G Entrepreneurial Generational Passage; being at the forefront right now is one of the ways to ensure your presence on the market, with training courses you are always up to date on news and growth opportunities, courses that can be included and subsidized in projects with European funds.
COMPANY START UP:preparation of Business Plan for access to Calls, Corporate re-planning to obtain the best framework to make production more efficient, reduce costs and optimize the staff already present
BUSINESS CRISIS MODULE:How to prevent it, manage it and access the Negotiated Composition of the Business Crisis. With the programs made available to the Entrepreneur, it is possible to monitor the business situation to see the critical points and correct them before they lead to the Business Crisis, improve business productivity
STRATEGIC ANALYSIS:Short Term Company Reliability Guidelines for the Overall Assessment of Creditworthiness, Economic / Financial Security and Reliability
Legal Area
- Reconciliation Employees / Employers Cohabitation / Patrimonial
- Agreements & De facto Families
- Civil, Criminal and Cassation Acts

Certifications and ownership documents
- Chamber of Commerce inquiries
- Mortgage / PRA Inspections
- Valuations / Appraisals Land and Buildings
Motivational Training Area
- Sessions with Counselor
- Facilitators – Motivators
- Coach psychologists
Are you living where you want to be? Do you do the job you would like to do? Do you have the people you love next to you?
Leaning on certified Professionals we offer Sessions and accompanying packages and / or support for the achievement of your Goals, to be able to realize your Projects, to give you the tools you need to change the details you have always wanted to modify to reach your standard of well-being at 360 °: Emotional, Physical, Work, Mental and Social.
We have structured training courses for various situations:
- Unlocking the individual genetic potential
- Transforming Fears into Strengths, Increase Self-Esteem and Identity
- Training in companies, improving communication, verbal and non-verbal, assessing the position based on the personal aptitudes of the company staff to allow all staff to grow according to their inclinations and increase their performance and satisfaction
- Overcoming and processing a trauma or a stressful situation by giving it different shades to optimize events
- How to improve your communication to make it more effective, setting your attitude to be more successful by being yourself
- Recognize which place we want to occupy and how to reach it, find the role in which to play one’s life as a protagonist

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